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Education defines an individual's capacity to make a positive contribution to our society. By combining knowledge and training with natural talents and abilities we can prosper in a competitive environment, while still cultivating the resources to lift others around us. As an educator, it is one of my principal pursuits to share an enthusiasm for learning together with an attitude of service.

Student learning depends both on the effectiveness of the tools provided and the time spent using them. Effectiveness, which is primarily in the hands of the instructor, must be a high priority.  Because I believe that the most effective teaching is both inquiry-based and interactive, I try to create an environment where students are comfortable asking questions and exploring the unknown.  I consider excellent textbooks and study materials to be essential, and incorporate labs and demonstrations when possible to provide for hands-on exploration. While time-on-task is largely in the hands of the student, I set clear goals and focus attention on the path that leads to their fruition.

I have always found science exciting and enjoy conveying that excitement.  I strive to make the knowledge and training that I provide relevant to the demands and issues of today.  Where possible, I encourage students to initiate contacts in the science workplace that will help them to see their curriculum in action and increase their exposure to new career options.

I am engaged in a growing multi-disciplinary area of research, and I envision opportunities to involve students in my program at all levels. Projects can be tailored to individual needs and career interests, allowing participants to make an important contribution that also furthers their own goals. I am pursuing student research opportunities through generously supported programs of the National Science Foundation and other agencies and companies.